
cov khoom

siv ac fais tsheb them pawg

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

7kw tsev pem teb-mounted siv ac fais tsheb them pawg nrog ib rab phom them

Nqe lus piav qhia:

1. Phab ntsa-mounted & Kem installation, RFID kom them.

2. Kev siv tsawg: Standby State fais fab tsawg dua 3w, txuag lub zog.

3. Peb lub teeb qhia thiab lub vijtsam, tshawb xyuas cov ntaub ntawv them nyiaj txhua lub sijhawm kom meej.

4. 8A-12A-16A-24A-32A/40A/48A tsib iav tam sim no

Product Detail

Khoom cim npe

Product Description

hluav taws xob 32A 40A 48A
hluav taws xob 80V-265V
Lub zog siab tshaj plaws 7kw/9.6kw/11.5kw
Kab ntev 5m
Khoom siv TPE
Khoom npe EV Charging Station
Hom Waterproof charging
Plug khoom H62 tooj
Interface Standard Hom 1
Kev tiv thaiv qib IP67

--Electric ev tsheb charger nrog hom 1 hom 2 ntsaws rau them tsheb.(TESLA xav tau lub adapter.)

--Screens qhia ev tsheb charger hluav taws xob noj, tam sim no, voltage, teev thiab lwm yam.

--Managing system rau kho tam sim no, saib cov ntaub ntawv them nqi thiab keeb kwm thiab lwm yam.

--Ua nyob rau hauv hom B RCD to tiv thaiv: ntes tag nrho cov xau los ntawm lub tsheb.

--App tswj pib thiab nres ev tsheb them, teem caij rau them.

--Tus kheej adjustable hwj chim los koom tes nrog ev tsheb 'obc zog.

--customize logo, lus, phau ntawv, RFID card rau ev chargers.

Input & Output
Input voltage / Output volt AC230V ± 10% Rated ua hauj lwm tam sim no 32 A
Input zaus 50Hz / 60Hz Charging interface hom IEC 62196-2 / SAE J1772 - Tshooj 1
Max.tso zis zog 7.2 kWs Standby Fais Fab <6 W
Kev tiv thaiv
Over voltage tiv thaiv YOG Lub ntiaj teb to tiv thaiv YOG
Hauv kev tiv thaiv hluav taws xob YOG Kev tiv thaiv kub dhau YOG
Kev tiv thaiv overload YOG xob tiv thaiv YOG
Kev tiv thaiv luv luv YOG
Ib puag ncig index
Ua haujlwm kub -30 ℃ ~ + 55 ℃ Ua haujlwm av noo Ua haujlwm av noo
Ua haujlwm siab <2000m 5% ~ 95% tsis muaj Condensation IP54 / IK10
MTBF 100000 teev Daim ntawv thov Scenes Sab hauv / sab nraum zoov
Warranty 24 hli
xaiv tau
Qhib txoj kev Plugin thiab ua si / RFID / APP Output Chaw nres nkoj Hom 2 / Hom 1 / GB / T

Cov yam ntxwv ntawm cov khoom

1. Txhawb OCPP1.6 (Tsis muaj ntau tshaj 10 lub tuam txhab txhawb nqa OCPP1.6 them pawg hauv Suav teb)

2. Ingress tiv thaiv IP54&IK08, Ua tau raws li qhov xav tau ntawm kev siv sab nraum zoov, thiab yuav tsum tsis txhob puas.

3. 4.3-nti LCD xim zaub, Yooj yim rau cov neeg siv khoom saib cov ntaub ntawv them nyiaj tso saib ntau dua qhov xav tau.

4. Ntau txoj hauv kev los tswj kev them nyiaj.Koj tuaj yeem pib them nyiaj los ntawm daim npav offline, App
scan code.

Product Detail

siv ac fais tsheb them pawg-02 (1)
siv ac fais tsheb them pawg-02 (2)
siv ac fais tsheb them pawg-02 (3)
siv ac fais tsheb them pawg-02 (4)
siv ac fais tsheb them pawg-02 (5)
siv ac fais tsheb them pawg-02 (6)
siv ac fais tsheb them pawg-02 (7)
siv ac fais tsheb them pawg-02 (8)
siv ac fais tsheb them pawg-02 (9)
siv ac fais tsheb them pawg-02 (10)
siv ac fais tsheb them pawg-02 (11)

  • Yav dhau los:
  • Tom ntej:

  • Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa tuaj rau peb